/** * JivoChat header.php içinde */ gtag('config', 'G-5EDRTVJ3Q2'); HUBEK Aviation

Our Brand Story;

HUBEK Aviation was founded as a result of a dream reaching for the sky. Since the first day we were founded, our goal has been to train the pilots of the future by providing the highest quality education in the field of aviation. The values that guide us on this journey have shaped not only our students but also our brand.

The Meaning of Our Logo

Our logo is not just a visual, but a powerful symbol that reflects HUBEK’s vision and mission.

  • The Aircraft Symbol is at the center of our brand. This aircraft represents a journey of success rising into the future. Every student studying at HUBEK will rise just like this aircraft and reach the career goal they dream of. The airplane in our logo symbolizes the rise into the sky, while also symbolizing the support and guidance HUBEK offers to its students.
  • HUBEK Font was designed in a font that reflects a modern, strong and determined appearance. This indicates that our brand is a deep-rooted and reliable educational institution. Our strong stance has been shaped by years of experience, and this experience allows our students to step into the future with confidence.

The Meaning of Our Colors

The colors we use in our brand’s corporate identity directly reflect HUBEK’s values and philosophy. These colors also represent our understanding of excellence in education and the trust we offer to our students.

  • Gold Color: Success, excellence and prestige. The gold color symbolizes the high quality of the education HUBEK offers and the future success of our students. This color emphasizes the value of the opportunities we offer our student pilots and represents them reaching gold standards in their careers.
  • Navy Blue: Trust, discipline and professionalism. Navy blue carries the basic values of a serious and disciplined field such as aviation. As HUBEK Aviation, we prioritize trust in the education we offer to students. Our navy blue color symbolizes both our professional approach within the institution and our commitment to our students.

Our Emblem

The emblem of HUBEK Aviation and Space Sciences Educational Institutions is a strong symbol that reflects the values, mission and educational approach of our brand.

  • Circular Structure symbolizes our determination and continuity in education. Like the circular routes in aviation, we also aim to successfully complete our students’ educational journey.
  • Aircraft Symbol symbolizes the success of our students on their way to advancing to their aviation careers. The positioning of the aircraft in the middle shows that we offer an education system where flight training is at the center. The combination of the aircraft and the letter “H” unites the name and mission of our brand.
  • Gold Color represents our understanding of success, prestige and excellence, while Navy Blue emphasizes our values of reliability, discipline and professionalism.
  • ESTD 2022: HUBEK is a young and innovative educational institution established in 2022. The experience we have gained in the sector in a short time and the high-quality education we offer to our students carry us further every day.

The HUBEK emblem symbolizes the seriousness of our institution in aviation education, the trust we offer to our students and our guiding role in the journey of success. We proudly use it as a symbol that illuminates the path of our students to success in this door opening to the sky. 

Our Journey to the Sky

HUBEK Aviation is the symbol of a journey to the sky. The success of each of our students is a part of this journey. We are an institution that aims for excellence in education, guides our students every step of the way and takes them one step ahead in the world of aviation. Our brand is strengthened by the trust and support we offer to each student on their path to success.

The sky is not a goal for us, it is a starting point. As HUBEK Aviation, we are getting closer to the sky every day and flying higher with our students.

Havacılık ve Uzay Bilimleri Eğitim Kurumları HUBEK, 2022 yılında hızlı büyüyen havacılık sektöründe artan nitelikli pilot ihtiyacını karşılamak için kurulmuş bir kuruluştur.

Bizi Takip Edin

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(0534) 550 4374

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(0507) 753 7818

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