Air Traffic Control and Pilot Cooperation play an important role in the aviation industry to ensure flight safety. This cooperation usually occurs between ground air traffic control centers and pilots. ATC (Air Traffic Control) monitors the airspace, keeps planes away from each other and regulates […]
Flight safety is one of the top priorities in the aviation industry. A number of precautions and protocols are in place for the safety of passengers and crew. Here are frequently asked questions and answers regarding flight safety: 1. How Are Airplanes Inspected? Aircraft are […]
The aviation industry is undergoing various transformations along with technological evolution. Two important players stand out among these transformations; electric planes and drones. In this article, we will explore in detail the effects, advantages and potential of these technologies that will shape the aviation of […]
Airports are the nerve centers of global transportation and operate with a complex infrastructure. In this article, we will examine the main topics regarding the basic functioning of airports. 1. Airport Terminology: Airports contain a number of terms that travelers encounter before, during and after […]